Tag: NPR

Walmart and State Governments Dropping College Degree Requirements

In previous posts, we’ve been discussing degree inflation and how it has led many organizations to routinely require levels of education that aren’t really needed for success in the job. Lately, however, there’s been a notable shift in the wind. Several major employers and governments are rethinking the necessity of college degrees for myriad positions. […]

Recruiting Workers In the Construction Industry

For decades, the prevailing wisdom in the United States was that to get a good, high-paying career, it was necessary to get a college degree. But there is a large number of well-paying jobs that don’t require a college degree, although they may require more than just a high school diploma.

Job-Hoppers Hopping to Find Higher Pay

Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons: dissatisfaction with the work; personality clashes with managers or coworkers; long commutes; poor work/life balance; etc. But according to a new Office Team survey, compensation is still one of the primary reasons employees switch jobs. And, in a tight labor market that favors employees, their ability to do […]


Job-Hoppers Hopping to Find Higher Pay

Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons: dissatisfaction with the work; personality clashes with managers or coworkers; long commutes; poor work/life balance; etc. But according to a new Office Team survey, compensation is still one of the primary reasons employees switch jobs. And, in a tight labor market that favors employees, their ability to […]

The High Cost of High Turnover

Make no mistake: High employee turnover impacts the day-to-day operation of your business. It also sends a message to prospective job candidates, and the message isn’t “work here.”

Is Your Work Air Conditioning Sexist?

Some like it hot, while others like it cold. For most offices, this is a real workplace battle. But is it one that is also based on gender? A recent NPR article suggests office air conditioning standards are based on outdated research, created in an era when the majority of workers were male.