Tag: Mel Kleiman

5 Important Interview Questions You’re Not Asking

People come to an interview wanting to tell the interviewer what the interviewer wants to hear. Interviewers often feed right into this by structuring the interview in a way that gives the applicant information to repeat back—allowing them to look perhaps more qualified for the role than they truly are. This is one reason why […]

6 Reasons We Hire the Wrong Employees

All employers want to hire the best employees. So why is it that we often find, despite our good intentions and thorough recruiting processes, that we still end up with employees who are not a good fit for our organization? This wastes time and money. Why do we do it?

Recruiting Sin #1—Leaping Before You Look

Whether you are placing print ads or using the latest technology, the basic business tenet remains: Recruiting—who you let in the door—is the primary determinant of success, both for the organization and the hiring manager. In this continuing series, Recruiting Daily Advisor will explore the major sins that recruiters and hiring managers make. Who You […]

7 Questions (Answer Only if You Want A Players)

Yesterday’s Advisor offered consultant Mel Kleiman’s “eagles or turkeys” hiring advice. Today, seven questions Kleiman, founder of hiring consultancy Humetrics, suggests you ask before you start hiring.

Welcome to the Recruiting Daily Advisor!

Welcome to the Recruiting Daily Advisor! Recruiting—probably the most important job in the organization—is certainly not getting easier. Because your responsibilities or interests include recruiting, you have been selected to receive this valuable new resource.

7 Deadly Sins of Recruiting

Yesterday’s Advisor covered the first three “Sins” of recruiting; today, the rest of our list of seven sins.

6 Reasons We Hire the Wrong Employees

All employers want to hire the best employees. So why is it that we often find, despite our good intentions and thorough recruiting process, that we still end up with employees who are not a good fit for our organization? This wastes time and money. Why do we do it?

#1 Mistake Managers Make that Makes Great People Quit

Managers who are proud of their hiring abilities often make a major mistake, says consultant Mel Kleiman (humetrics.com). Those managers end up focusing on who is the best applicant rather than who will be the best employee.

Hiring Eagles, Avoiding Turkeys Who Dress Like Eagles

Kleiman, from Humetrics, Inc., offered his tips on hiring the best at BLR’s Strategic HR Summit, held recently in Scottsdale, Arizona. Turkeys and Eagles When a great hire turns out to be a bad hire, a turkey, what do we do? We try to train the turkey. That works about 13 percent of the time, […]

Behavioral Interviewing: Getting the Best Answers from Job Applicants

Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths? How about your weaknesses? Maybe those questions sound familiar. Maybe you hear the same phrases come out of your own mouth every time you conduct a job interview. And maybe you’re missing something. Mastering HR: Hiring Traditional vs. behavioral interviewing techniques If you’re frustrated by the lack […]