Tag: automation

5 Steps to Successfully Automate Your HR Department

Human Resources (HR) requires a lot of human input. Therefore, it’s not surprising that HR has embraced robotic process automation (RPA) tools, which are designed to save businesses and employees time by automating repetitive clerical tasks using software robots.

Pros of Using AI in the Recruiting Process

Does your organization utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process? There are many ways to do so, from recruitment bots to the automation of many of the initial applicant screening steps and much more.


4 Stats About Workplace Wellness You Need to Know

Overall, strategic and well-executed workplace wellness programs offer benefits for employers and employees. According to research, 78% of employees believe their company’s wellness program had a positive impact on workers’ health, and 75% believe such programs had a positive impact on their productivity and performance. So, as you work to improve your workplace wellness programs […]

What to Look for in Recruitment Software

The way we work today is a lot different from the way people worked just a decade ago. Freelancing is now a full-time job for many; 9-to-5 weekdays are being replaced by round-the-clock availability of independent consultants; and alternative work arrangements are becoming common throughout firms from global multinational corporations (MNCs) to local, bootstrapped start-ups.


Can Creativity Be Taught?

In an effort to understand the top skills companies are looking for in prospective candidates this year, LinkedIn conducted a massive analysis of hundreds of thousands of job posts. As it turns out, employers are looking far beyond soft and technical skills when searching for new talent.


6 Types of Vendors You Should Work with and Why

There will inevitably come a time when your organization will have to outsource help from third-party vendors; whether you’re outsourcing because of your organization’s limited technology capabilities or because you require more human capital, you’ll want to be prepared to work with the following six types of vendors.