
Keeping High Potential Employees Happy

According to a survey we covered yesterday, only 15% of workers feel like they have room to move up the chain or in pay grade at their jobs. When there is no room to grow for employees, especially high performing ones, they are much more likely to leave the company. Today we’ll look at some of our research into how companies deal with their high potential employees (HiPos).

In a recent survey of ours the majority of respondents (92.3%) said that identifying HiPos is important. However, only 44% said that their company actively attempts to identify HiPos. The difference between these two results is very important. If less than half of organizations are even looking for high potential employees, that means over half of them go undiscovered. If they are not identified, their companies can’t find a way to keep them.
The majority (56.5%) of respondents feel that their organization is less than adequately equipped to retain and engage HiPos. If less than half of companies are looking for HiPos, and only about 56% of those are not well equipped to retain and engage them, approximately only one quarter of companies are both looking for HiPos and actively engaging and retaining them.
Why does this all matter? Many experts believe we are in a hiring crisis right now. Companies simply cannot find the quality talent they need to expand. At the same time, our survey found that 53.9% of companies have had HiPos leave their organization. When asked why, the most common responses were “limited opportunity for upward mobility or new responsibilities” (38.9%), “management style” (19.6%), and “inadequate compensation” (16.9%). With management style aside (a problem for another day), inadequate compensation and limited upward mobility make up a large portion of why HiPos leave companies.
If you are concerned about losing HiPos, there are a few things you can do.
First, you have to learn how to identify them, if you haven’t already done so. Just knowing who to focus on can make a big difference. If you don’t have the capital to give them a better paying position, consider adding new responsibilities. It’s important when you give them new responsibilities that they get something in return, so they don’t just feel weighted down. Try low cost perks like flexible schedules, freebies, discounts, PTO, or things like that.
For more information on our survey, check it out here and here.

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