
Not All Millennials Are ‘Different’

Yesterday’s Advisor presented findings from a Millennial recruiting survey from FirstJob, an organization that specializes in early career hiring. Today, the other side of the coin—maybe there is no generational difference.

Not long ago, the HR Daily Advisor® ran a story called “I Y My Millennials.” In it, Editor Steve Bruce extolled the work ethic and capabilities of BLR’s Millennial employees. “I have to say I love my Millennial colleagues; they’re hard-working, earnest, productive, dependable, capable, and cooperative.”

Millennials Take Their Turn

The article also referenced The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What They Want, by David Sirota and Douglas Klein. Before too long, Sirota and Klein say, the Millennials will take their turn as the Traditionalists.

The editor and some of “his” Millennials

The Three-Factor Theory

The authors of The Enthusiastic Employee suggest that employees—of any generation—look for three things at work:

  • Equity
  • Achievement
  • Camaraderie

Equity means being treated justly in relation to the basic conditions of employment. Equity can be physiological (a safe, comfortable work environment that does not damage physical or mental health), economic (having a reasonable degree of job security, satisfactory compensation, and benefits), or psychological (being treated respectfully, enjoying reasonable accommodation for personal and family needs, having credible management, and getting a fair hearing of complaints).

Achievement is taking pride in one’s accomplishments, doing things that matter and doing them well, receiving recognition, and taking pride in the organization’s accomplishments.

Camaraderie is having warm, interesting, and cooperative relationships with others in the workplace.

As one reader said, “It’s been my experience that many of the negatives associated with millennials apply to a varying age group—It all depends on the people and their outlook on work plus their personal and professional attributes overall. I’ve seen many much older adults, both male and female, who are not ‘hardworking, earnest, productive, dependable, capable, and cooperative.’”

I ♥ My Millennials; How About You?

How about you, reader? Do you find generational differences? Do different generations look for different things from their work, or are they all after equity, achievement, and camaraderie?

Capturing the attention of college students today is a massive challenge. A recent Harvard Business Review article shows that, while companies know that college hiring is important to building their future workforce, 92 percent of them feel they have a brand problem. Do you have the tools you need to fix that problem? Fortunately there’s timely help in the form of BLR’s new webinar—College Recruiting: How to Attract Top Performers through Relationship Building. In just 60 minutes, on Tuesday, March 22, you’ll learn everything you need to know about hiring and retaining top college talent.

Register today for this interactive webinar.

By participating in this interactive webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The profile of today’s millennial college graduate—and why you should be recruiting college students now 
  • What young workers are most interested in finding in today’s employers 
  • How to connect and communicate with millennials in a way that best resonates with them 
  • Why millennials are looking for a relationship—not a job—and what you can do build that 
  • Effective ways to work with other members of the college community 
  • Why how you prepare for your conversations has changed 
  • What the smartest companies are doing to build relationships right now—and how you can apply it to your own efforts 
  • The right marketing mix to make sure you’re meeting the millennials you want to hire, including which websites, social channels, and other methods to use 
  • Tips and tricks that you can implement right away at your next college recruiting event 
  • And much more! 

Register now for this event risk-free.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Eastern)
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Central)
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Mountain)
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Pacific)

Approved for Recertification Credit and Professional Development Credit

This program has been approved for 1 credit hour toward recertification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and 1 credit hour towards SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.

Join us on Tuesday, March 22, 2016—you’ll get the in-depth College Recruiting: How to Attract Top Performers through Relationship Building webinar AND you’ll get all of your particular questions answered by our experts.

Find out more

Train Your Entire Staff

As with all BLR®/HR Hero® webinars:

  • Train all the staff you can fit around a conference phone.
  • Get your (and their) specific phoned-in or e-mailed questions answered in Q&A sessions that follow the presentation.

Find out more

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