
If You Want Diversity, Attract Diverse Candidates

Many employers are trying to increase diversity in their workplaces. It follows that recruiting for diversity offers a simple solution. Having a diverse workforce as a goal requires making sure hiring managers and recruiters are committed to the organization’s objective.

inclusionRecruiting is an essential step. If an organization is having trouble finding diverse candidates, it might need to expand its search beyond whatever techniques it has been relying on.
Employers trying to raise their diversity profile might consider hosting seminars and meetings on diversity topics in the community and sponsoring diversity-related events. Such events can raise an organization’s profile and draw highly motivated people who want to become experts in their field.
Another idea is to check with the mayor’s office, political leaders, and the local chamber of commerce for information on community groups and diversity outreach programs. Building relationships with local leaders and diversity groups will give employers something concrete to tell job applicants who ask about diversity.
The more efforts an organization makes to find new employees the greater chance it will have of increasing diversity. Also, employers must remain committed to considering each candidate equally, and employers must make sure hiring managers and recruiters are equally committed.

Go Beyond Referrals

Organizations often turn to employee referrals to find good candidates, and that can be a good strategy. But there’s an important caveat to watch out for: If a workplace is very homogeneous, referrals from current employees can sometimes lead to equally homogenous hires.
There is nothing wrong with having a strong employee referral program, but an organization looking to diversify will need to have – and nurture – other talent acquisition channels as well.
Here are some other ways to redefine how an organization can find job candidates.

  • Expand the scope of the search. Employers can broaden the pool of talent available for hire by recruiting at colleges and universities, which often have lots of diversity, or at local and regional job fairs.
  • Contact groups aimed at minorities in various professions.
  • Hire recruiters based in areas with lots of diversity.
  • Advertise in a variety of media, including magazines geared toward different segments of the populace.
  • Use the internet to reach a broad audience.


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