
Mobile Friendly Experience for the Win

In yesterday’s Advisor, we talked about how important it is for organizations to have a mobile-friendly hiring experience. We started to outline a few ways mobile technology can be incorporated into the recruiting process. Here are a few more:

  • Social media. Utilize social media when posting a job. Social media is often viewed on mobile screens; by using social media as much as is practical during the recruitment process, the organization will catch those views that would otherwise be missed.
  • Automation. There are a lot of examples of how automating parts of the process can help recruiters. One that is easily applied to mobile devices is the use of a chatbot (aka recruitment bot) to help answer candidate questions.
  • Mobile follow-up. The recruiting process could include automated status updates delivered by text message. Text messages could also be used to follow up with candidates each step of the way, such as sending interview reminders or thank-you notes.
  • Advertising. The use of an ad—especially one designed to be seen on mobile devices —could be used to help create more visibility for a job post. It could also allow you to better target the types of candidates you’re looking for.
  • Sponsored job posts. No matter what platform you’re using to post your job vacancies, you’ll have even less time to get attention on mobile devices than you do otherwise. This can make it critical so that your job gets seen sooner. Consider sponsoring the job post to improve its placement in search results.

As with any change in the hiring process, just be careful to avoid the extremes. For example, when using automated follow-up via text message, be careful not to seem too impersonal or removed from the process. If job candidates perceive the organization as being robotic, or if it seems like they’ll never speak to a real person, that can turn people away. A balance must be achieved.

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